
Keyboard Trick

Keyboard Trick

You utilize your iPhone from notes to type everything. But do you know about your 3D Touch gesture that will change the computer keyboard? Or the fact that theres an one handed keyboard style? No? . Keep reading to find out suggestions and all the tricks for the computer keyboard that is iPhone. 1. 3D Touch Cursor - If you're using an Apple iPhone over and 6s, simply press on the computer keyboard to see it become a trackpad. You can swipe any way and the cursor will move. Text on a touchscreen is hard. So is control over the cursor. 

This feature solves both problems. You might use this feature. Once you are and more you move your finger, you'll be choosing text. Read more: 3D Touch Shortcuts for iPhone's List - 2. Shake into Undo - simply shake your iPhone somewhat and you'll see a popup asking if you would like to undo you have made a mistake. Save Time with Text Replacement - macOS and iOS possess a text expansion feature. This is where one can expand any short text snippet to a word, sentence or a paragraph. This could be handy if you need to sort your address or a particular chunk of text frequently for your work. 

As soon as you create a Text Replacement snippet, it'll sync between all of your Apple devices automatically using iCloud. Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Text Replacement and tap on the + icon. Type in the enlarged text in the sentence section And type the snippet from the Shortcut section. Tap on Save when you are done. Now, whenever you type the shortcut, it'll automatically expand into the phrase. Shift Key Gesture - If you wish to rapidly Capitalize a single letter, simply swipe from exactly the Shift key over to any letter. Whenever you lift the finger, iOS will input the key in a capital form. 

The rest of the computer keyboard will then go back to the normal mode. That is a neat way into avoid double tapping exactly the Shift key each time you would like to enter a single capitalized letter. Numbers Key Gesture - Similarly, that you can swipe from the 123 number key to uncover the numbers and punctuation shortcuts. For example, you can sort in a question mark or a common rapidly using this gesture. Dictation - You do not always need to use the computer keyboard to type. And it works really well. Next time you have Got your hands full, simply tap on exactly the Microphone icon from exactly the bottom row, talk and after that tap exactly the Done button to stop dictation.

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